Price Guide

Please note, the prices of the items below can vary subject to the availability and size or quantity of certain blooms. The prices listed below are a guide only and we are happy to discuss your own personal requirements and provide you with with a detailed costing.


Floral Price Guide
ItemPrice FromPrice To
Bridal Bouquet: All round handheld posy $90.00 $180.00
Bridal Bouquet: Trailing/Cascading $140.00 $250.00
Maids Bouquet: All round handheld posy $50.00 $150.00
Buttonhole: Male $12.50 $18.00
Corsage: Female pin-on $25.00 ...
Wrist Corsage $35.00 $50.00
Table Centrepiece: Including Vase hire $18.00 $100.00
Cake Flower $30.00 $80.00
Arrangements: In vase, urn and containers $50.00 $170.00